Expert Wellbeing Coach and Mindfulness Facilitator

I help people create lives of more WELLBEING, FULLFILMENT and BALANCE by using neuroscience, positive psychology and mindfulness to transform their personal circumstances.

  • Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) Level 1 Teacher – Brown University
  • Wellbeing & Positive Psychology Coach
  • NBC-HWC Board Certified Health Coach – USA
  • Applied Neuroscience & Brain Health Practitioner
  • Happiness Studies Alumni – Tal Ben Shahar, Harvard University 

My journey in helping individuals unlock profound levels of mental and emotional wellbeing began over a decade ago. After working in nonprofits and grassroots development in Latin America, I shifted my focus to wellbeing, resilience, and human potential.

My mission is to empower individuals from all walks of life to achieve optimal wellbeing by creating more balance, fulfillment, and connection in their personal and professional lives.

I provide practical, customized, and science-backed strategies and tools to help you look inward.

Coaching opens a roadmap to help you successfully navigate the stress, anxiety, or burnout that turbulent times and life’s changes may bring. My sessions seamlessly weave together themes of flow, focus, and meditation to help you quiet the mental chatter, gain new tools to transform your mindset and pivot into the best version of you.

Mindfulness practice is a lifeline, a way of being that deepens and amplifies your life.

I strive to provide a safe space where you can be vulnerable, learn to process your emotions, master new tools for personal growth, and build a roadmap to living your life to its fullest potential.

Are you ready to start your journey towards a calmer, more connected life?

Alejandra Molina

We have all been there: Those moments of HYPER FOCUS, MOTIVATION and PURPOSE.


And we also know when we are DISCONNECTED,

We all want to feel CONNECTED but we don’t know how to get there.

We work on our mindset, we set the routines, we try to stay motivated but FLOW, WELLBEING and FULLFILLMENT are not always there.

There is a science to FLOW and there is a science to WELLBEING.  I know the brain and the mind inside out, and I get the science behind it.

My Coaching Program, “UNTAPPING WHOLENESS” brings together my robust knowledge and experience in Positive Psychology, Neuroscience and Mindfulness to help you untap the best version of you every time life challenges you to grow and change.

At The Bliss Well we believe that there are three pillars to build well-being, mental and emotional mastery, and satisfaction with yourself and your life:


You cannot change what you are not aware of. You cannot level up your game without employing all your strengths and skills. Taking a deep dive into your values, strengths, and intrinsic motivators will increase your level of awareness to how you can create a life of more meaning, achievement, growth and contribution.


The clarity gained from looking inward requires coherence between what you want and how you are living your life. Emotions and circumstances have a say in how easy this can be. Growth comes from letting go of what no longer serves you and welcoming what is more aligned to your new beliefs and values. Mindfulness shows the way.


Your best life is a sum of small, intentional and repeated actions. Training your attention, mastering calm states, developing self-compassion, acceptance and non-judgement add to the recipe. When you expand your personal growth toolbox with positive psychology skills, you allow yourself to be in the right state to experience wellbeing and for fulfillment to happen.



MIND MASTERY (Coming soon)

Don’t miss out on your life and those you love.

Learn how to incorporate mindfulness in your daily life to train attention, manage your emotions and boost your capacity to be focused and present.

In this 4 module course you will be exposed to different mindfulness meditations, learn the science and benefits behind them and take your meditation practice into your own hands.  You will also learn how to assess your stress levels and different breathing techniques to calm anxiety and your stress response.


HTH - HEAL THE HEART. (Coming Soon)

What does inner work mean to you?

Inner work means many things, but it especially has to do with opening up and healing the heart.  It is a journey into facing and working with those emotions, beliefs and situations that you find unpleasant and lean away from.  When you work on yourself you heal your heart. You are able to overcome your triggers and operate from a place of love, generosity, growth and abundance.

This course provides you with the right positive psychology tools to gain CLARITY about what a flourishing looks like,  create CONNECTION with what matters and build the skills to have the CONFIDENVE to move forward. You will understand it in your heart, believe it in your body and remember it in your mind. 

Once you are able to look inward, you will learn new science backed concepts and skills to make sense of your story in new ways, see yourself through new perspectives and embrace new beliefs and strengths. 

This course is a journey into your heart, into your sense of wholeness and your mastery of wellbeing. You will understand that while there may be CHAOS outside, you can still find STILLNESS inside you.. stillness that brings you INSIGHT… and insight that gives you WISDOM for mastering your LIFE.

Click here to begin this journey….

Curious about stepping into a wellbeing journey?

Interested in having me as a speaker in your organization?

Send me an email below

Contact us: [email protected]



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